HMM has been growing as a leading global logistics company since its establishment in 1976. Main business of the company includes containerships, bulk carriers, trampers, heavy lifts and special product carriers. Now, we are operating more than 100 state-of-art vessels and various logistics facilities. HMM has a vast global network of 6 regional headquarters, 27 subsidiaries, 60 branch offices, 5 liaisons around the world. It has the reputation as a world-class integrated logistics company due to its vast global network, the highly skilled vessel operations and accurate market forecast by most qualified professional employees with vast shipping experiences together with advanced global IT system network.
HMM成立于1976年,至今已经发展成为行业内领先的全球性物流公司。公司主要业务包括集装箱船、散货船、不定期船、重吊船和特殊产品运输船。现在我们运营着 100 多艘先进的船舶和各类物流设施。目前,HMM 拥有庞大的全球网络,包括 6 个地区总部、27 个子公司、60 个分支机构、5 个全球联络点。凭借其庞大的全球网络、高素质的船舶运营、由拥有丰富航运经验的专业员工以及先进的全球IT系统网络实现对市场的准确预测,HMM享有着世界级综合物流公司的美誉。