天津博英加美教育信息咨询有限公司是2008年由天津南开大学毕业的华人在津与英国曼彻斯特大学、美国加利佛尼亚大学毕业的外教老师共同成立的一家英语培训机构。至今已有14年的历史。曾培养出国留学的同学几千余名。因公司发展需要我们中心将为热爱英语的同仁提供一个互相尊重、平等团结和自由向上的工作氛围。我们机构培训业务包括高考英语、出国留学雅思托福考试辅导、成人英语培训、大学四六级和企业英语培训课程,我们公司是一家高品质和值得信赖的英语培训机构。我们已经走过一个十年的辉煌,为了打造下一个十年,为了更多的英语爱好者能聚集在一起共放光芒,我们将在英语教育领域里发挥我们更大的价值。2024年并不平凡,我们已经成功逆袭。2025年为了实现我们的价值、助力同学们逐梦,为了不负青春,不负韶华,让我们一起奔赴下一场山海! 一起奔向2025年!
Founded in 2008, Oxford Street English Center is an English training agency jointly established by an excellent Chinese graduate from Nankai University in Tianjin and foreign teachers from The University of Manchester and University of California. Up to now, our center enjoys a 14-year-old history and has trained thousands of students to study abroad. Driven by various development needs, we provide a favorable atmosphere featuring mutual respect, equality, solidarity and freedom for all those who are keen on English. Our services include but not limited to SAT, A-Level, NEMT, IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, CET and BEC for both students and adults. We are quality and trust-oriented. Based on rich experience in past ten years, we are embarking on the road for next decade. In order to realize the dreams of English lovers, we will continuously devote to education to maximize our value. We have achieved great success in 2023 and will be doomed to win in 2024. To help students pursue their dreams and live up to their youth, let's learn together! Let’s Fight for 2024!