Come to the dream, if you dare.
- 在扁平自由的环境中挑战潜力边界,积累真实项目经验快速成为专家!
- 和硕博超80%的研发同仁们一起创造属于你的专利!
- 在花园式开放办公环境中激发无限创意和热情!
- 员工期权计划,财务自由不是梦!
- 我们上下游的产业链,让你无投资无风险就可以成为创业者!
- 小桥流水、竹林茅草亭,可以看鱼可以赏花,堪称网红打卡地的上班场所,让你的朋友圈羡慕去吧!
- 还有很多……等着你来体验!
When's the last time you felt challenged at work?
When's your last pay raise?
What's your greatest accomplishment lately?
Come to the dream, if you dare!
【At Crerax, you can...】
- unleash your potentials in a free and flat organization.
- work with amazing colleagues (80% of them have a Master's degree or above) to create the next wonder.
- own projects and quickly become an expert in your field.
- get constantly inspired and make your friends jealous by working at an Instagrammable, garden-like office environment.
- enjoy our employee stock option plan and grow together with the company.
- create your zero-risk startup supported by Crerax's upstream and downstream business.
- come and explore more possibilities!
【Crerax – The Next Unicorn in New Materials】
Crerax creates disruptive new materials technologies. The expanding Crerax ecosystem comprises products and solutions like expandable microspheres, coatings, ultra-light clay, GMT, solution provider and more. Through years of innovation, Crerax's technologies, products and services are now on par with global giants, upgrading products for clients across 25 countries and empowering more than 120 industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, printing and dyeing, etc. The Crerax team is committed to "creating infinite possibilities" for the future.