SIPS is a market-leading intellectual property firm servicing the needs of multinationals and SMEs in Greater China.
SIPS helps clients in managing their IP portfolios, including registration, enforcement and licensing of trademarks, copyrights and patents. We also assist with investigations management, advice on supply chain integrity, trade secret protection, data privacy, retail and wholesale distribution, ecommerce, distribution and sourcing agreements, and regulatory matters relating to IT and other high-tech sectors.
Our clients include household names across a broad range of industries, including information technology and consumer electronics, food and beverages, fashion, media and entertainment.
For more information on the firm, see
思朴是一家领先的专注于知识产权综合服务的专业机构,由谢西哲Joe Simone(前美国贝克麦坚时律师事务所资深合伙人)带领的知识产权团队和前国内某红圈所资深合伙人带领的知识产权团队共同组成,目前成员超过120人,在北京、上海、广州、香港设有办公室。