Campus:Tires Manufacturing Trainee 生产全球管培生

Job Description:
Joining our profiled and agile eXplore Manufacturing & Engineering Trainee program, you will get firsthand experience on our Tires shop floor and learn all you need to shape your own future at a tires manufacturing company. Expect highly motivated colleagues in your plant and our global team, exciting and challenging tasks & projects, and a huge variety of tools & means for virtual collaboration. You will get a broad view on the entire value creation chain of our tire business, from R&D to marketing & sales, or from plant departments to central management. And you will for sure eXplore Tires Manufacturing & Engineering.
Job Requirements:
> You have a tech-affine bachelor′s or master′s degree and are excited about engineering, manufacturing, mechanics or chemistry.
> You enjoy working in a multi-national, cross-functional and diverse environment.
> You are passionate about manufacturing in the automotive industry.
> You are eager to work on projects and demonstrated the above in internships.
What We Offer:
> An agile and modern work environment in a worldwide team. Passion to win.
> Opportunities to contribute and have an impact in your plant. Trust.
> Self-organized projects & tasks with business relevance. Freedom to act.
> Close personal and remote support & guidance with local and central consultants & coaches. For one another.
 高新区南岗工业园大别山路1588 号
大陆集团于1871年成立于德国汉诺威市,属世界五大汽车零部件供应商,并位列世界500强。大陆马牌轮胎(中国)有限公司于2009年9月在合肥投资建设,是大陆集团在华投资的轮胎制造基地, 合肥工厂乘用车胎工厂于2011年5月正式投产至今完成3期项目建设,4期启动在即;两轮轮胎工厂、研发测试中心、亚太区培训中心、自修补静音轮胎车间也陆续建成,现员工总数超过2000人。 工厂生产自动化程度很高,达到国际先进水平,随着工厂新项目:两轮工厂二期,研发测试中心扩建,乘用车胎工厂四期扩建 ,公司将引进更多有志之士的加盟。
Continental AG group was founded in Hanover, Germany in 1871 and is currently one of the five largest automotive suppliers and among top 500 enterprises in the world. In September 2009, as the *** manufacturing investment of Continental Tire Division in China, and an important foreign direct investment project of Anhui province, Continental Tires (China) Co. Ltd., was established.
In May,2011, PLT begins production. Since then, Hefei Plant is developed from Phase I to Phase III. And Phase IV is kicked off. Moreover, Two Wheel Plant, R&D Test Center, APAC Training Center, CSS Workshop are launched in Hefei. Till now, we have more than 2000 employees in Hefei Plant.
The factory has the high degree of the production automation which achieves the international advanced level. Along with the development of the new projects which include the new two wheels factory as well as the expansions of the research and development center and the tire factory for passenger vehicles in stage four, respectively, the company will recruit more people with lofty aspirations to join it.
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