罗技专注于设计与人们生活紧密相关的产品,为人们架起通往数字体验的桥梁。我们一直致力于打造出融合先进技术和理想设计的产品,为用户带来出色的体验。 罗技践行多品牌战略,产品业务包括键鼠及其他PC周边产品品类、游戏品类、音乐品类、视频会议系统和智能家居业务。?加入我们,创造更多、成就更多并享受更多!
Logitech is a world leader in products that connect people in a natural, intuitive way to the digital experiences they care about. We develop our products with a powerful blend of artistic design, surprising science, and innovation driven by consumer insight. Under a number of different brands, the company offers PC peripherals; cases and keyboards for tablets; equipment for gamers; mobile speakers and earphones for music and sports enthusiasts; devices to make video collaboration simple in the workplace; and entertainment and control products for the home. Join our mission to help the world create, achieve and enjoy more!