Marketing Intern

Amazon strives to be Earth's most customer-centric company where people can find and discover virtually anything they want to buy online. To serve the goal, Amazon has created one of the most advanced fulfillment and logistic networks in the world.
Amazon Global Logistics in China is a team of highly experienced logistics professionals, product & program manager and carrier specialists actively participating in Amazon's international expansion goals. We are seeking some highly motivated individuals who are interested in improving the way products are bought, sold, and distributed on a global scale to join us in China.
· Roles & Responsibilities:
For this junior Marketing Assistant role, the primary responsibility is to be accountable for marketing assistance and relevant editing tasks while providing support for other marketing activities. The detailed responsibilities are:
MKT material edits, translations and verification: EDM, poster, banner, PPT, landing page, seller education and interview notes etc.
Coordinate, communicate and set up for digital channel campaigns, Live Broadcasts, video shooting and editing, and offline events
MKT data collection and reporting
Create MKT Flash graphs with clear structure and accuracy
Support WeChat post basic content and design draft
Support other ad hoc MKT activities and projects
Basic qualifications
1. Be able to work 3-5 days each week
2. Good at Video Editing
3. Accuracy and attention to detail
4. Good command of English, at least CET-4
5. Computer skills, Using MS office applications
Preferred qualifications
1. Sound judgment and flexibility in balancing requirements, tight deadlines, and keeping people and projects moving on schedule
2. Having knowledge and familiar with Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Word,PS AI adobe etc tools
3. creative and good taste in color and post structure etc
亚马逊于 2004 年进入中国,秉承“顾客至尚”的理念,不断为中国用户创新。目前亚马逊在中国布局的核心战略业务包括以亚马逊海外购和亚马逊全球开店为中心的跨境电子商务,Kindle 电子书阅读器和电子书,亚马逊物流运营和亚马逊云计算服务(AWS)。
依托亚马逊全球15大站点、***的全球资源和跨境物流体系,亚马逊中国持续推进跨境电商战略。2014年, 亚马逊中国正式上线亚马逊海外购商店——亚马逊***本地化、多站点的全球商店,致力于打造中国消费者信赖的选购高品质海外正品的跨境网购首选站点。消费者用中文即可直接购买来自亚马逊美国、英国、日本、德国网站的 30 大 品类、逾 2000 万的海外正品。商品经由亚马逊全球物流体系从海外运营中心直送中国消费者。亚马逊 Prime 会员服务 于2016年10月在中国上线,是亚马逊全球***提供跨境订单全年无限次免费配送的会员服务。
亚马逊全球开店致力于帮助中国卖家发展出口业务、拓展全球市场、打造国际品牌。目前数以万计的中国卖家加入了该项目。包括亚马逊美国、加拿大、德国、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙、日本、墨西哥、澳大利亚、中东及印度在 内的 12 大海外站点已向中国卖家全面开放。中国卖家可将商品销售给亚马逊全球超过 3 亿的活跃用户,以及亚马逊美国、欧洲和日本的数百万企业与机构买家。
亚马逊在全球拥有 175 个运营中心,配备超过 10 万台 Kiva 智能机器人,可将商品配送至 185 个国家和地区。借助全球领先的物流交付能力,亚马逊中国为通过海外购进行跨境网购的中国消费者提供一流的跨境配送体验,并帮助中国卖家出口海外,拓展国际市场。
亚马逊中国致力于为中国消费者带来完善的阅读体验,点燃中国大众的阅读热情。2012年12月,Kindle中国电子书店正式上线,通过与数百家中国出版机构商和进口书商合作,目前为中国读者提供了超过 70 万册电子书。2013 年 6 月,Kindle 电子书阅读器进入中国市场,随后亚马逊陆续为中国消费者带来了 Kindle 电子书阅读器全系列产品,并与全球保持新品同步发售,Kindle Unlimited电子书包月服务与Prime 阅读等服务也相继推出。
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