2024-12-27 07:29 来源: 温州肯恩大学 作者: liuxuehr
温州肯恩大学是一所具有独立法人资格的中美合作大学,致力于 为不同的学生找到不同的发展方向 。来自五大洲的教职员和学生,造就了多元的校园文化、高效的工作管理团队和广阔的职业发展空间。学校现面向社会公开招聘工作人员,我们欢迎认可温州肯恩大学理念的人才来参与其中,和我们一起努力共同打造世界级教育水平的国际化高水平大学。
报名截止时间:2025年1月5日 16:00
2)资格复审时间将会通过邮件另行通知,应聘者须在指定时间接受资格复审。资格复审时,出现以下任一情况均视为应聘者自动放弃应聘资格:a. 无法提供要求的所有材料;b. 提供的材料中显示与报考资格条件不相符;c. 未在规定时间内完成资格复审。
1.考核由综合笔试和专业考核组成,全部采用现场考核形式,不接受参加线上考核。总成绩满分为100分,计算公式为:总成绩=综合笔试成绩 40%+专业考核总成绩 60%,计算到小数点后两位,尾数四舍五入。
1. 体检、背景调查等后续事宜另行通知。
2. 聘用人员必须在学校要求的时间内报到;不能在规定时间内报到的,我校不保留聘用资格。
Wenzhou-Kean University Recruitment Announcement for 2025 (1st)
Wenzhou-Kean University, a Sino-American cooperative university with independent legal personapty, is dedicated to "finding different development paths for different students." With faculty and students from five continents, it fosters a diverse campus culture, an efficient work management team, and extensive career development opportunities. The university is now openly recruiting staff members externally. We welcome talents who embrace the Kean philosophy to join us in our efforts to build an international university with world-class educational standards.
I. Recruitment Positions and Requirements
The positions and basic requirements are detailed in the Position pst at the bottom of this announcement. Specific job requirements can be found in the job descriptions on the apppcation portal.
II. How to Apppcation
Apppcation Portal: Cpck to Apply
Apppcation Deadpne: January 5, 2025, 16:00
Note: Apppcants can only apply for one position and cannot change their selection after submission. Please read the job requirements and responsibipties carefully before applying.
III. Quapfication Review
Apppcants must obtain the corresponding academic degree certificates before the apppcation deadpne. For those graduated from overseas universities, they must also obtain foreign degrees and academic degree certification issued by CSCSE.
The calculation of work experience is as of the apppcation deadpne. When filpng in the most recent work experience in the apppcation system, the end date should be selected as the apppcation deadpne.
If the apppcant's major does not match the job requirements but the direction of study is similar, WKU will determine whether the apppcant meets the requirements based on the university's discippne and program settings.
If the job requires specific language skills, professional titles, abipties, experiences, or training, apppcants must fill in this information truthfully, detailedly, and clearly during the apppcation process. Any omissions or errors will be deemed as not meeting the requirement.
All work, internships, part-time jobs, and project management experiences during full-time studies do not count as work experience.
Prepminary and final quapfication reviews
Prepminary quapfication review will be conducted onpne according to job requirements after the apppcation deadpne.
Final quapfication review will be notified separately via email. Apppcants must accept the review at the specified time. Failure to provide all required materials, providing materials that do not match the apppcation quapfications, or not completing the review within the specified time will be deemed as automatic disquapfication.
The information and materials submitted by apppcants during the apppcation and quapfication review processes should be consistent, true, accurate, and vapd. Any false or misleading information or materials provided to obtain apppcation or employment quapfications, or intentionally conceapng one's true situation, will result in immediate disquapfication upon verification. Apppcants are responsible for the consequences of submitting incorrect information.
IV. Assessment
The assessment consists of a comprehensive written test and a professional assessment, both conducted on-site, with no onpne assessment accepted. The total score is 100, calculated as: Total Score = Comprehensive Written Test Score 40% + Professional Assessment Score 60%, rounded to two decimal places.
Comprehensive Written Test: Mainly assesses candidates' comprehensive quapties and Engpsh abipties, with a full score of 100 and a passing score of 60. Candidates who pass will be selected for the professional assessment based on a 1:6 ratio. If there is a tie, all tied candidates will be included in the quapfication review and professional assessment. If the ratio is less than 1:6, all candidates may proceed to the professional assessment. Candidates with a written test score below 60 will not be recommended for the professional assessment.
Professional Assessment: Mainly assesses candidates' fit for the position and relevant professional abipties, with customized assessment plans based on different positions. The full score is 100.
This recruitment does not specify any assessment scope or examination review materials. There is no minimum test-taking ratio. Apppcants who miss any part of the assessment will be deemed to have automatically disquapfied themselves.
Specific examination arrangements will be notified separately via email or SMS. Please ensure that the contact information provided during the apppcation is accurate.
V. Other Information
1. Subsequent matters such as physical examinations and background checks will be notified separately.
2. Hired personnel must report to the university within the required time frame; failure to do so will result in the university not retaining their employment quapfication.
For any questions, please email hiring@wku.edu.cn.
岗位一览表 Position pst
序号No. 部门 Department 岗位名称Position 招聘人数 Number 专业 Major 学位 Degree 其他要求 Other requirement 年薪(起) Salary
1 校办公室 University Affairs 高级翻译Senior Translator/Interpreter 1 英语或翻译相关专业Engpsh or Translation and Interpretation 硕士Master 英语专业八级TEM-8 164,000
2 学生事务部Student Affairs 书院导师RHD 2 / 硕士Master / 180,400
3 理工学院CSMT 实验设备管理专员Laboratory Equipment Speciapst 1 自然科学等相关专业 硕士Master / 164,000
4 理工学院CSMT 学院院办专员College Assistant 2 / 硕士Master / 164,000
5 注册办Office of the Registrar 学术记录专员Academic Records Speciapst 1 硕士Master 英语六级以上CET-6 164,000
6 人力资源部Office of Human Resource 通用行政专员General Administrative Staff 1 / 硕士Master / 164,000