1. 在学科教师的指引下进行日常听课观摩;Observe lessons with the guidance of subject teachers on a daily basis
2. 协助学科教师进行作业批改订正等工作;Assist subject teachers to correct homework and mark exam papers
3. 为个别基础薄弱学生提供个别化辅导;Provide additional tutoring to students who needs extra help
4. 协助部分班级的课堂管理工作;Participate in classroom management
5. 参与学校和学生组织的各项活动;Participate in students and staff activities organised by the school
6. 承担大课间、用餐时间及选修课时间照管学生以及维持秩序等职责。Taking care of students and maintain order during long break, meal time and activities
1. 热爱教育,热爱学生,致力于在教育行业长期发展;Love education and students, be committed to work in the educational industry
2. 拥有授课专业的本科及以上学历,可接受大三/研究生在读者到校实习;Currently study on / obtain degree(s) in subject relevant area
3. 适应能力强,心胸开放;Be adaptable and open-minded
4. 具有国际视野,尊重多元文化,是一个尊重他人的倾听者;Have a global perspective, respect multiculturalism, and be as a respectful listener of others
5. 具备强烈的主动学习意愿和主动学习能力,谦卑且有清晰的自我认知。Have a high level of motivation and capacity for active learning, have a clear self-awareness and stay humble