1. 管理公司新媒体运营,维护优化公司网站,负责国内相关新闻文案的更新,提升品牌知名度。
Be responsible for managing the company's social media operations, maintaining and optimizing the company's website, and updating relevant domestic news documents to enhance brand awareness.
2. 更新维护公司内部产品APP,并培训相关人员。
Update and maintain the company's internal product system and train relevant personnel.
3. 协助公司产品推广活动的策划、组织和实施,包括各类型展会、论坛等,对推广数据进行分析和挖掘,提升推广效果。
Assist in the planning, organization, and implementation of company product promotion activities, including various types of exhibitions, forums, etc., and analyzing and mining promotion data to enhance promotion effectiveness.
4. 与德国总部市场部门合作,负责公司相关宣传资料的编写和更新,提升公司品牌形象。
Collaborate with the marketing department of the German headquarters, fully responsible for the preparation and updating of company related promotional documents and developing the company's brand.
5. 协助收集行业动态信息及客户需求,分析市场趋势,协助撰写市场分析报告。
Assist in collecting dynamic industry information and customer needs, analyze market trends and assist in writing market analysis reports.
6. 领导安排的其它工作。
Other work arranged by the leader.
1. 新媒体、传媒传播或相关专业本科及以上学历。
Bachelor’s degree or above in New Media, Media Communication or related.
2. 熟悉新媒体平台(如微信公众号、视频号、抖音等)的运营,具备内容策划能力。
Familiar with new media platforms (e.g., WeChat Official Account, WeChat Video, Tiktok) and content planning.
3. 较强的中英文文字功底和审美能力,具备海报、视频、手册等的基本编辑能力,及Adobe Photoshop、PS、AI等相关软件的应用技能。
Strong written skills in both Chinese and English and Aesthetic ability, with basic editing skills such as posters, videos, manuals, etc., as well as skills for related software such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop, AI, etc.
4. 思维开放,内驱力强,对自动化行业有兴趣,具有市场分析能力和战略思维者优先。
Open minded, strong internal drive, interest in the automation industry with market analysis and strategic thinking skills are preferred.
5. 创新能力、抗压能力强,良好的演讲、沟通、表达和谈判能力。
Strong innovation and pressure resistance abilities, good presentation, communication, expression, and negotiation skills.
6. 良好的组织和策划能力,超强的工作责任心和团队合作精神。
Good organizational and planning skills, good sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit.
7. 优秀的英语口语和书面表达能力。
Very good English Language in speaking and writing.
8. 一周至少实习3天,2026届毕业生优先。
Work for at least 3 days per week, with priority given to graduates of Y2026.