61 Start work in mid-April. Working until the end of June is preferred. 实习工作4月中旬开始,实习期2-3个月。
61 Work an average of at least 3 working days per week 平均每周至少工作三个工作日
61 Undergraduate or Postgraduate student高等院校本科生或硕士研究生全日制在读(大三在读或研究生在读优先)
61 Speak and read English fluently 良好的英语口语及阅读能力
61 Strong sense of security and responsibility安全意识及责任感强
61 Good attention to details注重细节
61 Good customer care良好的客户服务意识
61 Good communication, planning and organisational skills良好的沟通,计划和组织能力
61 Good team work and being active in supporting others良好的团队精神和协作能力
61 Familiar with computer operating system良好的计算机能力
61 Ability and confidence to speak in front of a group of people 具有公众表达能力
Responsibilities / 实习生职责:
61 Test day invigilation考试日监考(占全部工作内容的80%以上)
61 Support the pre-test preparation and post-test administrative work. 考前准备及考后相关工作
61 Data input and filing 数据录入及资料整理
61 Support daily operation支持日常运营
61 Others directed 其他考务相关工作