Satura engineering is a professional ODM company which focus on the Gaming hardware , Telecom , Audio productions . With the headquarter in Tokyo, Japan , we have valued many famous customers all around the world for more than 40 years.
佐忠技术是一家专注于游戏外设(飞行模拟器类),通讯(基站天线类)以及音响产品的专业ODM 以及 OEM公司, 公司总部位于日本东京, 有超过40年经营历史,客户遍布世界各地,很多均为各个领域的世界五百强企业。
Our duty is to reduce the gap between design idea and its implementation in manufacturing and to help our clients move from the concept stage to the stage of production at a minimum cost.
Shenzhen branch is the most important product development center of our group , and we also have production base in Dongguan.