1. 保持与客户的沟通,具备良好的外语能力。Maintain a good relationship with customer, good command of foreign language.
2. 具有FPC的制作生产经验,能主导改善会议。Experience in FPC production and be able to hold improvement meeting.
3. 会培训相关部门的专业能力。Be able to train relevant department in professional knowledge.
4. 使用六西格玛及品管手法等工具改善生产良率。Use 6 sigma and QC methods to improve the field rate.
5. 反馈我司产品在客户端的信息,并追求更好。To feed back the quality status in customer’s and improve it.
6. 给于相关单位以技术支持。Support relevant department in technical field.
a.客户投诉处理和客户现场支持。Cope with customer complain and provide support at customer’s.
b.减少市场退货。Reduce field return.
c.按客户建立客诉案子和推动改善动作施行。Establish complain list classified by customer and push to improvement.
d.周会议与生产,工程,R&D 检讨前5项不良和改进。Hold weekly meeting to review the top 5 defects with production, engineeing and R&D and urge relevant department to improve.
e.反馈我司产品在客户端的使用情况和竟争对手产品在客户端的使用情况。Feed back the status at cusomer’s both of ours and competitor’s.
f.提供技术支持给OQC。Provide technical supoort to OQC.
1.从事电子行业,有客服经验1年以上over 1 year CQE experience in electron industry
2.英文听、说、写程度好。Good listening, oral and wrinting ability in english.
3.会使用8D格式回复客户需求报告be able to finish 8D based on customer’s requirement.
4.能够出差。Be able to travel