1. 通过轮岗实习,学习公司产品知识,行业知识,销售技巧等专业知识和技能,
2. 询报价,国际货运物流方案的制定等协助和支持,
3. 协助销售部制定客户SOP方案,
4. 协助销售部通过打电话,陌生拜访等方式开发新客户 .
1 物流管理、国际贸易、国际商务、英语等相关专业在校2025 应届毕业生,
2 性格活泼开朗, 有积极主动开发客户的意愿, 乐于尝试通过陌生拜访方式开发客户,
3 情商高,抗压能力极强,属于活跃且主动型社交人群,
4 有责任心,良好的学习能力和沟通能力,能适应团队工作协助,
5 英语达到四级水平或同等水平,能适应英文邮件熟练沟通 ,
6 有明确往销售方向发展的职业期望,
7 可实习6个月以上.
表现优秀学生可在毕业后获得留用转正机会,毕业转正后福利待遇:年底双薪、年终奖金、带薪休假、六险一金等, 稳定在公司工作一定年限, 可申请公司人才培养项目的选拔.

cargo-partner is a leading multinational freight forwarder and integrated logistics provider with a particular strength in international transport solutions. Based in Austria, cargo-partner is present in over 30 countries with more than 3000 employees and continues to grow and expand across the world.
Our employees are highly motivated professionals with diverse cultural backgrounds who share a common passion for their work, excellent communication skills and a strong entrepreneurial approach.
We offer an interesting career kick-start for talented people without experience as well as rewarding opportunities for accomplished logistics and business professionals. We believe in establishing long-term relationships with our partners and in the continuous development of our employees.
If you are looking for a challenging position in an innovative and dynamic international company, we want to get to know you!
Submit your application and CV via our online job portal today.