在顺应清洁能源和大数据融合的发展大趋势下,公司以“开创智慧能源新时代” 为战略愿景,以“固德威智慧能源云平台”为载体,立足于大数据开发、物联网、云计算及边缘计算等互联网相关前沿技术,聚焦能源开发、能源交易、大数据平台管理与应用、能源增值服务等核心业务,构建固德威智慧能源管理体系和区域智慧能源综合运营管理生态圈,打造平台型企业,为公共机构、工商业及终端用户提供一站式能源解决方案。
GoodWe Power Supply Technology is a globally leading inverter manufacturer, ranked Top 7 by Bloomberg, IHS, and global *** storage inverter supplier by Wood Mackenzie in 2019. The headquarters is based in Suzhou, China, where core production and R&D center are located. GoodWe has more than 2,500 employees all across the world, owns 8 overseas subsidiaries covering all 5 continents, and a public listed company in Shanghai stock exchange.
With 11 years robust growth, via partnering prestigious customers such as Bosch, TATA Power, GS group, Q-cell, Krannich and Panasonic, GoodWe has built high reputation in the global market, delivering high quality products across more than 120 countries and regions, with over 2 million inverters installed, making great contribution to the environment by reducing massive CO2 emissions and saving significant electricity cost at the same time.