Labcorp is global leader of innovative and comprehensive laboratory services that helps doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, researchers and patients make clear and confident decisions. Through our unparalleled diagnostics and drug development laboratory capabilities, our 60,000+ employees combine cutting-edge innovation, science and technology to solve some of today’s biggest health challenges, accelerate life-changing healthcare breakthroughs and impact lives around the world.
徕博科总部位于美国北卡罗来纳州的伯灵顿,在全球拥有 65,000 多名员工,服务的客户遍布 100 多个国家和地区,公司在美国纽约证券交易所的股票代码为LH,在 2022年财年公布的收入为149亿美元。徕博科参与研发了2022年FDA 批准的超过80%的新药,为全球患者开展了超过6亿次检测。