深圳市凯翔工艺品有限公司是一家从事工艺品行业的国际型贸易公司。公司于2005年正式成立,总部位于深圳,在香港和宁波有分公司,产品覆盖季节性商品、文具、工艺品和画材、礼物等。公司的宗旨是 致力于顾客利益的***化;致力于所有者权益的充分实现;致力于与员工共同成长;致力于为社会做出贡献。
熟悉美国零售商(Target, Walmart, Dollar Tree等)的验厂审核要求,包括:社会责任/品质/防恐/HIGG/FSC验厂
1. 品质: 确保其符合质量、安全、环境等方面的标准和法规要求。对工厂的生产过程、产品质量、管理体系等进行检查和评估,提出改进建议。
2. 社会责任:确保供应商完成文件资料、现场、工资福利、社保福利、加班等项目达到客人标准。
3. 其它验厂
Shenzhen Colorshine Arts & Craft Co., is one of the leading exporters for Craft products, we are the Purchasing Agent for USA Fabric Edition Inc. located in SC, USA. Focus on Fabric Craft Industry, currently sold to Major USA retailers like Walmart, Michaels Store, Joann, Target Store etc., Our product covers a big range of materials, including unfinished wood, craft paint, artist brush, canvas, paint marker, DIY toys / Kits and more.
Key Preference:
This position is a multi-functional job reporting to the General Manager.
Experience with Target Store and Craft product background preferred.
Strong project management skills, timeline management skills.
Excellent communication skills in English and Chinese, both written and spoken.
Detail oriented and well organized.