Roles & Responsibilities:
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Be familiar with principles of computer laboratory health and safety
regulations, ensures the operation of a safe environment.
2. Support designated academic staffs within Department, including but not
limited to: Assist with consumable, hardware and software procurement,
reimbursement; Work with MITS, assist with HPC and cluster management, solve
common problems; Help with debug, especially UG students; Help provide data or
materials, assist with research proposal development; Assist with lab
management, including ensuring documentation in the lab is kept up-to-date and
accurate, help monitoring project progress etc.
3. Monitor good use of equipment (computer, workstation); Provide equipment
(computer, workstation or database) training for new users, especially assigned
major equipment, and monitor the status on LIMS.
4. Undertake other duties commensurate with the grade as required by Lab
Manager and HOD.
1. 熟悉计算实验室健康和安全法规的原则,确保操作安全。
2. 支持系内指定课题组老师进行研究,包括但不限于:
3. 管理与维护硬件设备(计算机/服务器/工作站/数据库等),为新用户提供设备培训,特别是指定的主要设备,并在LIMS上监控状态。
4. 承担实验室经理或系主任要求的与等级相称的其他职责。
Essential Qualifications:
1. Education: Master's degree in computing or a closely related discipline,
with coding skills in one of the following: R, Python, Perl, C++ and/or other
mainstream programming language.
2. Experience: Hands-on experience with workstation management and debug.
3. Excellent written and spoken skills in Chinese and English.
4. Excellent computer and research skills.
5. Highly motivated, with a strong work ethic and desire to learn new skills.
6. Willingness to work independently and also as part of an excellent team.
7. Ability to understand and address routine and non-routine work and ensure
productive outcomes.
8. Good organizational skills including people and project management,
allocation and tracking of tasks, evaluation of outcomes and record keeping.
9. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English.
1. 教育背景:计算机或密切相关学科的硕士学位,具有以下编码技能之一:R,Python,Perl,C++和/或其他主流编程语言。
2. 经验:有服务器管理经验和程序调试经验。
3. 优秀的中英文书面和口头表达能力。
4. 优秀的计算机和研究技能。
5. 积极性高,有强烈的职业道德和学习新技能的愿望。
6. 愿意独立工作,也愿意作为优秀团队的一部分。
7. 能够理解和处理日常和非常规工作,并确保富有成效的结果。
8. 良好的组织能力,包括人员和项目管理、任务分配和跟踪、结果评估和记录保存。
9. 优秀的英语人际交往和沟通能力。
Preferred Qualifications:
1. Appropriate work-related experience with the development of ML models and
frameworks (e.g., Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch).
2. Coding knowledge of homology modeling, docking, and simulations.
3. Ability to troubleshoot and correct errors in GROMACS and AMBER.
1. 具有开发 ML 模型和框架(例如 Scikit-Learn、TensorFlow、PyTorch)的相关工作经验。
2. 具有同源建模、对接、仿真的编码知识。
3. 能够排除和纠正 GROMACS和 AMBER 中的错误。