61 Create shipment in AS400 systerm per CS’s instruction, update B/L no. Dossier no. on shipment list
收到托书按CS的要求在AS400中输单,建单后更新台账上的HBL no., Dossier 号等信息
61 Keep close contact with shipper/booking agent , update sailing schedule information to shipper/CS if any change
跟订舱代理和客户保持紧密沟通, 及时更新船期变化信息给发货人及CS
61 Send manifest & SI to carrier/booking agency on time , follow up MBL & HBL cut off
及时发送舱单及SI, 按要求确认MBL & HBL
61 Check charge list with customer after vessel departure, issue invoice, send EDI , issue MBL, issue HBL after payment settled.
船开后, 跟客户确认费用, 系统开票,发送EDI 给目的港,签发MBL, 收款后签HBL
61 Complete other tasks arranged by supervisor.
61 专科及以上学历(1年物流单证相关经验)
College degree or above (1 year logistics documentation related experience)
61 认真细心,善于沟通,有良好的团队协作精神;性格开朗,能承受一定的工作压力;责任感强
Be carefully, serious, good communication, good teamwork spirt, open and clear character, can under the strong working pressure, Strong responsibility
61 熟悉office办公软件;有良好的英语听说写能力
Familiar with office software, good listening and speaking ability.