牛津大学高等研究院光电技术研究中心(OeTL)成立于2019年7月,由英国皇家科学院院士Donal Bradley教授和牛津大学工程学院Paul Stavrinou教授领衔,专注于新型半导体光电材料和器件的研发和应用。研究涵盖从光电材料和器件的光物理过程中的基础研究,到从分子水平研究微米和纳米级的先进工艺技术,以及高性能电子元件的制备, 包括发光二极管、太阳能电池和探测器、激光器和放大器等。研究中心努力追求先进技术的低成本化和规模化的制备工艺,推动研究成果的快速商业转化。作为牛津大学目前正在进行的活动的自然延伸,OeTL正在建设具有成本效益的规模化制造能力,以实现近期商业化。
The Optoelectronic Technology Laboratory (OeTL) was founded in July 2019, led by Prof. Donal Bradley and Prof. Paul Stavrinou. OeTL is focused on the development of novel semiconducting optoelectronic materials and devices and their application. In addition to the material development, the research spans the requisite studies into photophysical processes that underpin device operation and, from the molecular level, examines both micro- and nano-scale processes to develop high-performance electrical components that include light-emitting diodes, laser and amplifier components, solar cells and detectors, etc. While a natural extension of activities currently underway at Oxford University, the OeTL is building capacity towards cost-effective scale-up manufacturing for near-term commercialization.
1. 收集整理微腔光源器件的最新进展,包括理论探索和工艺创新。
2. 对前沿的微腔光源器件进行可行性研究、评估和预研。
3. 微腔光源器件的理论建模及结构仿真。
4. 半导体材料及相关器件的性能表征与数据分析;
5. 独立/协助申报科研项目,撰写技术报告,编制标准工艺文件,专利申请;
6. 协助实验室日常安全管理。
The role and responsibilities:
1. Maintain a current and up-to-date knowledge of microcavity light source devices, including theoretical exploration and process innovation.
2. Feasibility study, evaluation and demonstration of cutting-edge microcavity light source devices.
3. Theoretical modelling and structural simulation of microcavity light source devices.
4. Optical and electrical characterisation of devices and thin films; data management.
5. Contribute to the development and writing of new funding proposals, technical reports and standard process documents, and assist in patent applications.
6. Play a significant role in the day-to-day running and management of equipment and laboratories associated with the narrow linewidth light source project, including oversight and implementation of health and safety procedures.
1. 在光学及光学工程、凝聚态物理、材料物理等相关专业方向,取得硕士或博士学位,具有扎实的专业知识,有工作经验者可放宽要求;
2. 拥有薄膜光学或者微纳光学的相关知识和经验;
3. 熟悉半导体器件的原理、制备、测试表征及分析;
4. 具有良好的英文读写能力,阅读英文文献,并能熟练整理、归纳和总结中英语专业文献和专利;
5. 有较强的人际沟通能力和协调能力,有团队合作意识和协作精神;
6. 能独立开展研究工作,有跨学科学习和研发能力,有较强的问题分析和解决能力及创新意识;
7. 具有严谨的学术态度和敬业精神,责任心强,工作勤奋,自我驱动力强。
1. MSc or PhD/DPhil in Optics, Optical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, or Materials Physics. Relevant work experience may substitute for academic qualifications.
2. Experience in thin-film optics or nanophotonics optics.
3. Skilled in design, fabrication and characterization of semiconductor devices.
4. Ability to communicate in both spoken and written English.
5. Effective communication skills, ability to work as part of an effective team.
6. Ability to work independently and to manage time efficiently towards agreed priorities.
7. Be viewed as a motivated, enthusiastic, organised self-starter who can work with a minimum of supervision but at the same time extract the benefits of an excellent research environment.
1. 光学物理应用或光学测试系统搭建经验;
2. 光学薄膜和反射镜的制作经验;
3. 精通SETFOS、COMSOL或FDTD,或能够使用Matlab进行建模。
1. Experience of optical physics application and setup of optical testing systems.
2. Fabrication skills of optical thin-film and reflectors.
3. Proficient with SETFOS, COMSOL, or FDTD, or capable of modeling with MATLAB.