About M Moser
M Moser is a leading, global workplace design company with over 1000 employees collaborating across our global offices in over 27 locations. What sets our firm apart is that we take a human-centric approach to design, continuously striving to innovate across three key pillars – the workplace's physical, social, and digital architecture.
At this time, we are looking to enhance our service offering with a new global team focusing on developing innovative workplace solutions. This team will work with our global strategy and design teams to help develop and integrate innovative technology strategies to improve user experience and design the built environment to work better from a user perspective. The current position opening is in Hongkong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.
Job Requirements for Assistant Workplace Technologist:
We seek a young, energetic, ambitious candidate who excels in a team‐centric and innovative environment.
61 Graduates majoring in building automation technology, design engineering, or a relevant engineering field are welcome. Building services technical development experience is preferred.
61 At least three years experience in a design role in office building/workplace projects.
61 Strong interest in technology design work and willingness to learn more.
61 Willing to challenge and improve traditional way of working.
61 Must work well with others in a highly collaborative team environment.
61 Working experience with Interior Design Team is beneficial but optional.
61 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
61 Outgoing personality with a positive can-do attitude.
61 Applicant must present a portfolio of previous design work to showcase experience and creativity.
61 欢迎智能設計或工程相关专业的应届生,有建筑设施技术研发相关从业经验者优先考虑。
61 对科技类型工作有浓厚兴趣,且愿意学习更多的知识。
61 愿意挑战和改进传统的工作方式。
61 必须能够与其他人员团队协合作与保持沟通。
61 优秀的沟通和人际交往能力。
61 性格外向,积极主动。
Job Overview & Duties:
61 It will become your job as our Smart Systems Technologist to consider the intelligent building and office operation facilities from the users’ perspective and identify opportunities to improve user experience. This could be through interaction, control communication, mobility, optimisation, and machine learning.
61 You will be responsible for designing, engineering, and managing the day-to-day development of digital workplace experiences. You will work closely with multidisciplinary teams to strategise, create, and integrate technology / digital solutions and deploy them, having tested them extensively in our living laboratories around the globe.
61 You will conduct interviews in the clients’ offices to understand their business, culture and workspace. Your task is to integrate these findings into the intelligent building services and workplace technology ecosystem. Diverse office space through technology.
61 作为我们的智能系统技术专家,你的工作将从用户的角度来考虑建筑和办公空间,并找出改善用户体验的机会。这可以通过交互和控制来实现通信和移动性来实现优化和机器改进。
61 你将负责设计和管理数字化工作体验的日常发展。您将与各类科研团队紧密合作,制定、创建和整合技术/数字解决方案和运用它们,并在我们全球各地的活体实验室对它们进行广泛测试。
61 你将在客户办公室进行访谈,以了解他们的业务、文化和工作空间。然后,你的任务是将这些发现整合到智能化建筑设施技术生态系统中。通过科技创造多元化的办公场所。
Next Steps
M Moser treasures our62people and embraces62the can-do spirit,62dedication, creativity,62and62collaboration. If any of these words match you, please let us know your career expectations, your resume, and a portfolio/case study showcasing your capability in creative technology design.
穆氏十分珍惜每一位成员,我们饱含与生俱来的热情、专注力和勇于创新精神,如果你和我们一样,敬请附上您的简历 .
注:穆氏作为一家公平就业机构 (Equal Opportunity Employer),我们秉持公平机会原则且非常珍视团队的多元化。