Process Engineer

1. 编制工艺明细,确定工作内容
1) 定义工艺流程,编制工艺流程图Define process path, draft process chart
2) 编制工艺明细,确定工作内容Make process list and define the work content
3) 根据客户项目目标确定节拍时间Define the Cycle time according the TT of customer
4) 生产人力资源研究和人员效率改进Manning and resources study and manpower efficiency improve
5) 定义工艺特性,编制工艺参数卡Define process characteristics and make process parameter card
2. 持续改进生产线平衡,实现生产工艺优化Line balance and process optimization
1) 定义生产线工时平衡等工艺文件Define the process document of lines balance
2) 不断改善生产线平衡,目标90% Improve continuously the balance of production lines, target is 90%
3) 优化工艺过程,运用PSE工具提高过程效率. Fine tuning of process, Production process optimization by PSE tools
4) 确保满负荷生产多技能多岗位要求Ensure polyvalence condition of R @ R
3. 推进标准化工作Drive Standardized work
1) 发起项目阶段或重大工程/工艺变更时的标准化工作Launch standardized work in new project or maining changing.
2) 编制项目阶段或重大工程/工艺变更时的标准化作业指导书Make SW sheets in new project or mainning changing
3) 完善项目阶段的标准化文件 Prepare the SW document in program phase
4) 推动标准化活动Drive to Implement SW activities
4. 通过参与现场质量改进,不断更新PFMEA Update PFMEA according to improvement of quality
1) 参与质量问题的解决和质量改进Be involved quality solving and improvement
2) 编制并更新PFMEA Make and update the PFMEA during process quality improvement
5. 改善平面工艺布置 Improve the layout
1) 确保工艺流程的实现和生产物流供应Make sure the process chart can be realized smoothly and material feeding
2) 在生产线上开展HOSHIN活动,减少浪费Drive Hoshin & Kaizen, to minimum the waste in production line
3) 优化生产线和工位平面布置Optimize the lines & stations layout
6. 工时测量和人体工程学分析MTM/GSD/AGREPT
1) 进行MTM/GSD实践和研究,进行潜在劳动力分析MTM/GSD practices to optimize process and carry out potential labour analysis
2) 进行AGREPT研究和分析,支持项目阶段HSE达标AGREPT practice to support HSE
3) 完成项目阶段的HSE风险评估 Finished the assessment of Ergonomic risk in program
7. 持续改进(含设计)现场设备Improve continuously the production & handling equipment
1) 进行设备、设施的方案的确定Define the project of facility
2) 持续改进/设计生产设备设施Improve (Design) the production equipments and other facilities necessary
3) 负责所申购设备的安装和验收Be in charge of the installation and pre-acceptation of equipments
4) 准备设备文件,完成最终验收Prepare equipment documentation and issue final acceptance of equipment
8. 新产品先期策划Advanced plan of new product
1) 先期技术策划ATP
2) 在样件阶段与设计部门一同对新产品的工业化方法进行评估Assessment the industrial method in prototype with product designer
3) 提交技术方案、样件试制及其客户认可Technical proposal, prototype and validation from customer
4) 在项目各阶段检查来自设计部门的BOM Check the BOM, during the all phases of project.
5) 实现新产品工业化 Implement the industrialization of new product
9. 数字化工厂转型 Digital plant transformation
1) 主导工厂生产线的数字化转型Lead the digital transformation of factory production lines
2) 运用Power App或MySQL分析生产数据Use Power App or MySQL to analyse production data
3) 协助进行人工智能等工具在工厂的运用Assist in the application of artificial intelligence and other tools in factories
10. 管理产品变更 ECM
1) 负责对相关ECR/ECO的工艺过程进行评估并确保相应的工艺行动计划按时完成Assessment feasibility of ECR/ECO for the process and ensure the plan can be implemented
2) 负责对来自客户、内部和供应商的过程变更的ECR/RCO进行评估并实施Evaluate the ECR/ECO and implement it that come from customer\internal/supplier
3) 实施变更后的现场培训Implement training for operator when ECR release
11. 附加和其它工作任务Other and Specific Missions
1) 附加和其它工作任务Other and Specific Missions
2) 保证和部门经理和其他部门的透明和及时沟通Ensure transparent and timely communication with Dept, Manager and other staff
3) 部门经理交给的其他临时工作Others temporary job given by Dept, Manager
12. 确保工作行为充分尊重了集团的道德规范和管理规范、公司的规章制度、价值观及员工手册等 Ensure full respect of Code of ethics & Code of management\ Rules and Regulations \Values\Employee handbook of the company
作为一个全球化的集团,公司拥有多元的文化以及与国际化的发展需要所匹配的管理体系。公司讲求团队合作精神,欢迎具有开放思维的, 较强适应能力的, 负有责任感的,乐于在不同的工作模式中工作,乐于不断挑战自我的各类人才,以提高公司的产品质量,生产力,供货能力和客户满意度。同时依托公司国际化的背景,员工将有机会接受海外培训,参与各种形式的国际合作项目,接触各种先进技术,以提高员工个人的竞争力和实现其个人的职业发展计划。
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