岗位介绍/Job Description:
1. 负责翻译中方员工和外籍员工之间所有的口头和笔头交流;确保所有文件都是双语(中英文)。
Responsible for translating all oral and written communication between Chinese and foreign employees, and ensuring all documents are bilingual (English & Chinese).
2. 负责涉及专业兽医和动物学术语和词汇的口头和书面翻译。
Responsible for oral and written translation involving specialized veterinary and zoological terminology and vocabulary.
3. 负责在紧急应变协调员执行应急程序时,兽医&饲养部高级翻译不在场时作为指定翻译,执行关键(高压、高风险的)翻译。
Responsible for executing crucial (high-pressure, high-stake) translation during emergency protocol procedures when Bear & Vet Team Senior Translator is not on site.
岗位职责/Job responsibilities of the position:
1. 负责通过对讲机、当面或者邮件协助外籍员工与当地员工之间的沟通。
Responsible for assisting foreign staff in communicating with the local staff through radio, in person or via e-mail.
2. 根据需要与其他部门合作(财务部、人力资源部、总务部等)。
Cooperate with other departments (Finance, Human Resources and Maintenance, etc.) as needed.
3. 负责书面翻译但不限于周报告(熊行为、兽医、召熊等)、协议&程序、趣味物品表、会议记录、评估、警告、研讨会/讲座、纸质单据、钉钉申请、邮件、熊训练计划&记录以及员工培训文件。
Responsible for written translation of, but not limited to, weekly reports (bear behaviour, vet, recall, etc), protocols & procedures, enrichment calendars, meeting minutes, appraisals, warnings, conferences/presentations, hardcopy paperwork, Ding Ding application requests, e-mails, bear training plans & records and staff training documents.
4. 负责每日/每周口头翻译——会议、评估、警告、发言、研讨会/讲座、采访面试、员工奖励、员工培训和能力建设。
Responsible for oral translation of daily/weekly meetings, appraisals, warnings, speeches, conferences/presentations, interviews, staff rewards, staff training and capacity building.
5. 负责电子数据库的维护和改进。
Responsible for maintaining and improving electronic databases.
6. 负责申请和填写部门的双语车辆使用申请单,订办公用品,订猫粮,以及每月为外籍员工计算和发放账单。
Responsible for applying and filling out bilingual departmental vehicle bookings, ordering office supplies and cat food as well as calculating and distributing monthly bills for foreign employees.
7. 为救援熊、会议、培训/讲座等目的,国内出差并翻译。
Participate in domestic travel and translation for bear rescues, conferences, training/workshops or other outreach purposes.
8. 在紧急情况下或被提前要求时,在周末或工作时间之外随时待命。
Responsible to be available and oncall over weekends or out of working hours during emergency situations or if requested in advanced.
任职要求/Job Requirements:
1. 英语及其他相关专业本科及以上学历;优秀的英语书写和口语能力;至少一年以上工作经验English or related major with bachelor’s degree; Exceptional written and spoken English; At least 1 year work experience.
2. 沟通能力强:清晰、简洁。
Strong communication skills: clear and concise.
3. 能听懂四川方言。
Ability to understand Sichuan dialect.
4. 能够与不同文化背景的人员共事和沟通。
Ability to work and communicate with people with different academic background.
5. 精通打字和使用微软办公软件。
Proficient at typing and using Microsoft Office software.
6. 自信和能够在团队中工作或独立工作。
Confidence and ability to work within a team or independently.
7. 能够同时处理多项任务并在高压环境下工作。
Ability to multi-task and work under high-pressure scenarios.
8. 愿意在极端气候条件下在户外工作(能忍受蚊虫叮咬)或在办公室环境中工作。
Willing to work outside in extreme climate conditions (and can tolerate insects) or in an office environment.
9. 能够自学与本专业领域相关的新词汇。
Ability to perform self-directed study to learn new vocabulary relating to this specialized area of work.
10. 英语专业八级或同等级证书。
English Majors-Band 8 test or equivalent certifications.
11. 具有很强的团队合作精神。能够与其他三名翻译密切合作,并在必要时听取他们的建议。
A strong team player. Ability to work closely with other three translators and listen to their suggestions when needed.
福利/Job Benefits:五险一金,带薪年假,员工体检,周末双休,其他
Housing Fund & Social Insurance, paid annual leave , staff health check , weekends off, others
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used solely for recruitment purposes and will be destroyed after 6 months.
We values candidates with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We welcome applicants of all situations and capacities. We are committed to building an organization that creates an inclusive environment for all.