1. 在上级药师指导下参与药品调配、处方整理工作。
Learning the storage management, inventory and counting of high risk, valuable medication and vaccines.
2. 参与高警示、贵重药品、疫苗保管、清点登记工作。
Manage the expiration date of medication and report to superiors.
3. 做好药品有效期管理工作,发现问题及时向上级报告。
Responsible for the use and maintenance of equipment such as refrigerators and computers.
4. 负责冰箱、电脑等设备的使用保养工作。
Responsible for applying for pharmacy consumables and office supplies.
5. 负责药房耗材、办公用品申领工作。
Attend pharmacy training and assessment.
6. 参加药剂科业务学习和考核。
1. 高等医药院校,药学专业专科及以上学历。
Graduating class of 2025
2. 25年应届毕业生。
Candidates who have passed the English CET-4 or equivalent level English exam (priority consideration).
3. 持英语CET-4或同级别英语考试通过者(优先考虑)。