Teller 柜员

Key Responsibilities/Challenges 主要工作职责/挑战
1. General 总则
- Understand, acknowledge and comply with the requirements onindividual accountabilities and responsibilities of the job set out in applicable local laws and regulations as well as SCB internal policies;
- Effectively ensure and intensify internal controls by keeping abreast with developments of applicable local laws and regulations on accountabilities;
- Perform job duties with diligence, contribute to efforts as an individual or as a team member so as to avoid any actual or potential legal sanctions, regulatory penalties, material financial loss, or adverse reputational impact on the Bank;
- Be responsible for failure to follow relevant rules and processes, failure to properly perform the responsibilities, and implement corrections;
- Cooperate with any investigations or reviews on regulatory failure such as accountability review.
- 理解、认同并遵守本地法律法规以及渣打内部政策中关于个人问责和职责的要求;
- 跟上本地问责法律法规的发展,以有效地确保并强化内控;
- 审慎勤勉地履行岗位职责,以个人或团队成员的身份,为避免任何导致银行遭受或可能遭受法律制裁、监管处罚、重大财务损失或声誉负面影响而做出努力;
- 对未遵守相关规范和流程、未适当履行职责以及未执行整改措施承担相应责任;
- 配合任何关于违反监管规定的调查或审查,例如,问责审查。
2. Business performance 业务表现
- Support to achieve business objective at the respective branch
- Drive or support cost optimization initiatives to achieve cost saving target
- 协助分支行实现工作目标
- 主动倡议或协助银行推进各项成本优化创新方案的实现
3. Service 客户服务质量
-Embed client centric mind in daily operation as well as to maintain up best in class front-line service
- Continue to advocate human banker and client centric service mindset in service staff for enriching internal and external customer experience
- Achieve client satisfaction in daily branch services and operations
- Build SCB a great place to work
- 在日常工作中始终倡导“以客户为中心”的服务理念,给客户提供优质的服务
- 在服务中始终秉承“以人为本,以客户为中心”的服务理念,保持并提升内外部客户的服务体验
- 在分支行日常对外服务中,始终以客户满意为服务宗旨
- 始终立志于共同将渣打银行构建成一个员工和客户都喜欢的公司
4. Operations, Conduct and Risk Control 营运操作,行为规范和风险控制
- Handle all counter operations, branch transactions in good result to ensure all bank internal and external rules/standards/procedures/manual are strictly followed
- Perform bank required due diligence in branch start of day and end of day work on daily base to ensure no exception in execution
- Complete regulatory required reporting timely and accurately to ensure the report follows regulatory requirements with no exception
- Support Line Manager achieve good MCA rating in branch audit
- Escalate for any exception detected or observed in daily work to minimize potential negative impact on the bank
- Ensure all required certifications are obtained per internal and external requirements
- Acknowledge and follow bank job rotation policy/procedure that working location will be subject to detail arrangement on due with no objection
- Adhere to bank Conduct Plan, and all control and assurance mechanisms to comply with all internal and external standards and policies in executions
- Adhere to laws and regulations, internal risk (including FCC risks as anti-money laundry, sanction, anti-bribery & corruption), compliance policies and the Group Code of Conduct; well manage client complaints & CDD
- 负责分支行交易(含柜台业务)的办理及系统操作,确保执行结果完全符合银行内外部各项规定、准则、集团政策,操作手册/规定、外部法规及法律等
- 严格遵守银行在分支行营运起始、营运中、营运日终的各项业务开展及审核的尽职要求,确保营运工作没有纰漏及差错
- 认真履行监管报表的报送,确保报送内容、报送时间均符合监管及银行内部操作要求,没有差错或纰漏
- 协助主管在银行内部审计中取得良好的MCA (management control approach)成绩
- 及时汇报或发现任何异常的操作现象或问题确保营运风险最小化
- 根据银行的内外部要求,确保获得岗位就职需要的各项有效证书
- 知晓并严格执行银行轮岗制度及操作规定,认真执行并服从银行就轮岗做出的通知及安排
- 遵守银行的行为规范守则,在执行中始终遵守银行内控及风险管理机制中要求员工执行的内外部各项规定及政策
- 遵守法律法规,内部风险(包括反洗钱,受制裁,反贿赂和***等风险)合规政策和集团行为准则的要求,妥善处理客户投诉及客户尽职调查
5. Self Development 自我发展与提升
- Actively participate in various training programs arranged by the bank and keep self-learning on the laid down procedures/manuals and local regulation
- Actively participate in various campaigns related to service team and achieve the target
Develop multi-product knowledge and job skills to support different segments and sales channels
- Complete new joiner training program if new to the position (new hire or internal transfer) base on bank policy, and pass all required assessment by training timeline
- 积极参与完成银行安排的各项培训项目,主动学习银行内部流程/操作手册以及当地法规
- 积极参与与服务团队相关的各项竞赛活动并达到预期目标
- 深入学习银行各产品知识及职业技能,确保业务及产品知识可以支持不同业务线发展需要
- 根据银行政策完成新入职人员(新员工或内部调动)的培训计划,并在要求时间内通过所有评估测试
6. Customer Right Protection 消费者权益保护
- Fully understand the importance of Consumer Rights Protection, prevent damage to consumers’ best interest
- Implement regulatory requirements related to Consumer Rights Protection, ensure to complete relevant trainings
- Always embed Consumer Rights Protection mindset when performing daily work
Selection Criteria 职位要求
- A university degree with 1-2 years of related banking experience prevails
- Solid knowledge of bank products and services and banking procedures, equities markets, unit trusts and other personal investment services
- A team player who shows initiative and assertiveness
Self-motivator who is keen to upgrade, improve personal knowledge and skills to meet job requirements
- Good command of both spoken and written English and Mandarin
- 大学本科学历,1-2年银行从业相关经验优先考虑
- 熟悉银行产品、营运及服务要求、理财保险产品
- 具有良好的团队合作精神、主动坚定
- 有上进心,自我激励,不断提高知识储备和技巧,以满足工作要求
- 具有良好的中英文写作和口语能力
渣打是一家领先的国际银行集团,业务网络遍及全球53个最有活力的市场,为来自117个市场的客户提供服务。渣打网络与“一带一路”沿线市场的重合度超过75%。渣打的使命是利用独特的多样性促进商业繁荣和增进人类福祉。渣打的文化传承和企业价值都在品牌承诺– “一心做好,始终如一(here for good)”中得到充分体现。
2023年,渣打银行赢得来自政府部门、行业机构和媒体颁发的诸多奖项和荣誉,包括:“一带一路”绿色投资原则2023杰出贡献奖、债券通北向通优秀做市商、中国外汇交易中心***进步人民币外汇做市商和跨境投资创新奖、银联数据 2023年度***金融科技创新奖、杰出雇主调研机构中国杰出雇主、《第一财经》年度外资银行、《经济观察报》年度卓越外资银行、《华尔街见闻》年度卓越外资银行、位列《福布斯》“2023年世界***银行”排行榜中国大陆榜首、《财资》全球20个市场“***人民币银行”、《亚洲风险》年度外汇衍生产品银行和年度利率衍生产品银行、南方财经 2023卓越对公跨境服务银行、《数字银行家》数字化客户体验奖和2023中国***手机银行项目、《上海证券报》年度财富管理混合类产品奖、《南方周末》 2023中国企业志愿服务品牌榜十强、网易财经年度绿色金融先锋等。
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