ViscoTec 维世科(中国)是德国ViscoTec在华全资子公司。我们是德国制造的中高粘度流体处理系统和设备的专家,产品广泛使用于汽车、电子、新能源、航天、化妆品、食品制药等行业。公司三次入选德国巴伐利亚企业50强,在中国也屡获行业大奖。服务的客户超过80%为世界500强企业。坐落于上海浦东的办公场所拥有近1000平米的办公和仓储空间,并在广东东莞设有分支机构。期待您的加入!
1. 参与商务拓展,行业展会及相关研讨会活动,协助业务的拓展与维护,包括与潜在客户的沟通与洽谈。
2. 协助收集市场信息,参与对竞争对手的调研,分析市场趋势。
3. 协助与内部各部门的沟通与合作,确保相关工作的高效执行。
4. 参与客户拜访接待,负责相关行政工作事宜。
5. 参与更新维护内部资料系统:如胶水及材料商信息资料,集成商信息资料,商业拓展活动 信息等。
Job Responsibilities:
1. Participate in business development, industry exhibitions, and related seminars to assist in business development and maintenance, including communication and negotiation with potential customers.
2. Assist in gathering market information, participate in competitor research, and analyze market trends.
3. Assist in communication and cooperation with internal departments to ensure the efficient implementation of related work.
4. Participate in customer visits and receptions and be responsible for related administrative matters.
5. Participate in the update and maintenance of internal data systems: such as glue and material supplier information, integrator information, business development activity information, etc.
1. 大专或以上学历,理工科背景,有机械设备,自动化,仪器仪表相关的工作经验优先考虑。
2. 一年以上外企公司销售助理或商务助理经验优先录用。
3. 具有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力,能够恪守组织服务及保守商业秘密。
4. 具有优秀的英文书面表达能力,可以阅读编辑英文邮件。
5. 思路清晰,目标明确,积极主动,有责任心。
6. 品行端正,***,具备良好的礼仪及行为习惯。
7. 熟练掌握OFFICE办公软件,Word, Excel, PPT及Outlook等。
Job Requirements:
1. College degree or above, science and engineering background, and working experience in mechanical equipment, automation, instrumentation is preferred.
2. More than 1 year of experience as sales assistant or business assistant in a foreign company is preferred.
3. Have good communication skills and teamwork skills, be able to abide by organizational services and keep business secrets.
4. Excellent written communication skills in English, able to read and edit English emails.
5. Clear thinking, clear goals, proactive, responsible.
6. Good conduct, good temperament, good manners and habits.
7. Proficient in OFFICE software, Word, Excel, PPT, Outlook, etc.