1. 及时处理发票并安排付款,跟进GRIR的情况。
Deal with invoice timely and arrange payment, follow up the situation of GRIR.
2. 独立负责所有应付账款模块的事情。
Independently responsible for all matters related to Accounts Payable module.
3. 每月负责固定资产的相关账务处理,跟进在建工程转固定资产进度。
Responsible for monthly accounting of fixed assets and follow up the transfer of construction in progress to fixed assets.
4. 处理KIS项目及审计项目ACE模块。
Dealing with ACE modules of KIS project & audit project.
应付会计Account Payable Accountant
1. 与采购一起清理GRIR。
Cleaning the GRIR with Purchase team.
2. 用MIRO完成发票的验证。
Miro for the invoice and Credit Memo.
3. 核查PO和发票的单价。
Verify the PO price with the invoice price.
4. 记录已收到的VAT 发票并登记交由税务会计。
Record the VAT invoice and submit it to tax accountant.
5. 在SAP中生成已完成付款的单据凭证。
Prepare for the JE in SAP for payment request.
6. 检查供应商的发票。
Check the invoice from the vendor.
7. 根据DOA 找领导批准付款申请单。
Approve payment request according to the DOA.
8. 每月对AP Aging 进行分析。
AP Aging analysis.
9. 跟进付款明细给到供应商。
Provide payment details to vendor.
1. 协助对内/外应付模块的审计工作。
Assist in the audit of internal/external of AP module.
10. 推广精益生产知识(比如LSW/SQDCI/5S/Safety)和成本意识,积极参加改善活动(Kaizen/CI/Gemba)。
Promote CIS (e.g. LSW/SQDCI /5S/Safety) and cost sense, actively participate in Kaizen/CI/Gemba activities.
固定资产Fixed Assets Accountant
1. 负责对固定资产进行管理和固定资产盘点。
Responsible for fixed assets management and fixed assets count.
2. 收到并复核已经投入使用的固定资产验收单后,将在建工程结转至固定资产。
After receiving the receipt of the fixed assets that have been put into use, the construction in progress shall be carried forward to the fixed assets.
3. 每月更新固定资产报表,并做折旧计提和摊销。
Update fixed assets report monthly and make depreciation.
4. 月底在系统KO80做自动结转。
Automatic carry-over will be done in system KO80 at the end of the month.
5. 每季度发出在建工程进度表。
Issue quarterly schedule of construction in progress.
6. 每季度计提固定资产减值准备;固定资产相关的月结报表。
Provisions for impairment of fixed assets every quarter; Monthly statements related to fixed assets.
1. 良好的人际关系和沟通能力。
Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
2. 较强的分析和解决问题的能力。
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
3. 具有良好的合作精神和吃苦耐劳的服务意识。
Cooperation, hard-working spirit, and good service consciousness.
4. 有一定的付款意识及管理固定资产经验。
Have certain payment consciousness and experience.
5. 良好的英语水平
Good English written skills.