Manufacturing Engineer

Role Definition
Assists with technical analysis of manufacturing processes in all aspects of production, costs, quality, compliance to safety guidelines, and environmental requirements for manufacturing.
61 Participating in identifying and implementing enhancements and modifications to equipment and processes.
61 Monitoring equipment and process reliability; identifying and addressing problem areas.
61 Providing coaching and development for operations technical staff and support areas.
61 Providing engineering support on planning, development, operation, and maintenance of equipment, processes, or facilities.
Skill Descriptors
Judgment and Decision Making: Knowledge of the decision-making process; ability to carefully evaluate the impact of emerging business situations and choose the best path forward communicating actions and activities that maximize organizational performance.
Lean Manufacturing: Knowledge of the philosophy, principles and implementation approaches of lean manufacturing; ability to integrate and implement lean manufacturing philosophy into existing production and management processes.
Level Basic Understanding:
61 Cites examples of benefits and risks associated with implementing lean principles.
61 Describes basic tools for observing existing processes and identifying waste.
61 Cites industry or company examples of successful and unsuccessful lean implementations.
61 Identifies key lean principles and highlights of the lean manufacturing process.
Manufacturing Equipment: Knowledge of the machining related, electrical, mechanical, automation/smart manufacturing and logistics equipment used in manufacturing; ability to safely operate, maintain, update and store them.
61 Machining process design ability, including CNC machine selection, Machining tool/fixtures design, cutting tool design/optimization, CNC programming, automation/smart manufacturing.
61Quality management tools/Methodologies: APQP, PPAP, SPC, MSA, 6 sigma, RCCA analysis ability
61Microsoft app skill: Power BI, Microsoft office apps,
61Automation and smart manufacturing design/deployment skill/experience
61Skilled on CAD and CAE software: AutoCAD, Solidworks, Creo, FEA, etc.
Manufacturing Processes: Knowledge of existing product manufacturing methods, technologies and processes; ability to execute, plan, manage and monitor the entire manufacturing process.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Assesses associated phases, activities, deliverables and processes.
61 Documents relevant standards, policies and practices.
61 Follows standard manufacturing processes to conduct production activities.
61 Researches new technologies to be integrated into existing manufacturing process.
61 Explains tools, techniques and documents used for process monitoring and control.
Manufacturing Safety: Knowledge of manufacturing safety; ability to identify work-related hazards and perform necessary activities to meet regulatory requirements for the safety and protection of workers, environment and site.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Conducts daily maintenance and keeps tracking logs on safety equipment.
61 Responds to *** aid and accident situations following standard procedures.
61 Inspects manufacturing working environment to find safety violations within a specific area.
61 Utilizes personal protective equipment required or recommended for manufacturing staff.
61 Determines appropriate action to take when unsafe conditions are encountered.
Manufacturing Standards, Procedures and Policies: Knowledge of organizational standards, procedures and policies in manufacturing activities; ability to plan, guide, and monitor manufacturing processes for compliance.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Contributes to the development and implementation of specific manufacturing procedures.
61 Investigates the need to refer potential exceptions upward for review and approval.
61 Explains the rationale for procedures and standards in own area of responsibility.
61 Participates in the implementation of manufacturing standards and procedures to one's own function.
61 Provides feedback for improvement of procedures.
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