The PandaX Collaboration, based at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) , invites applications for a postdoc- toral researcher position to contribute to the PandaX experiments. PandaX is a leading dark matter and neutrino detection experiment, using xenon- based detectors with cutting-edge technology to explore new physics beyond the Standard Model. Our team is engaged in world-class research to detect rare events that could shed light on dark matter and other elusive particles.
At TDLI, the selected candidate will have opportunities to collaborate on related projects, benefiting from TDLI’s interdisciplinary research environment. We welcome candidates of all nationalities. TDLI fosters an international working atmosphere with English as the primary language. We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in physics. We strongly encourage individuals from under-represented groups to apply. The TDLI offers a competitive salary with heavily subsidized housing options, comparable to equivalent positions in the USA.
Research Areas
The PandaX experiment is divided into eight subsystems, each focusing on a critical aspect of the experiment to ensure optimal performance and reliable data analysis:
61Background Control.
61Veto subsystems.
61Readout & Electronics.
61Xenon handling.
61Cryogenics & recirculation.
61Distillation system.
The successful candidate will be involved in various aspects of the PandaX program, including detector operation, data acquisition, calibration, simulation, analysis, and algorithm development. The specific responsibilities will be tailored to the candidate’s interests and expertise and will contribute to advancing the PandaX experiment.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in physics or a closely related field. Applicants with experience in particle detectors, dark matter searches, or data analysis are especially encouraged to apply. Strong skills in programming, data analysis, and simulation will be advantageous.
Application Requirements
Please send us the following documents with your application:
61a cover letter.
61a curriculum vitae.
61a research statement.
61three reference letters.
Contact: Zhou, Ning