85Greeting & registration of visitors接待和登记访客
85Fast and appropriate respond to the visitors from the Government
85Complaint customer handling投诉客户的接待和处理
85Visitor card distribution / return / analysis / record访客卡发放/归还/统计/存档
85Apply for authority of access card when (B M W )staff in business trip协助出差的员工申请权限
85New( B M W) staff / partners access card distribution / return / record, provide the data to (B M W )card center新员工/承包商员工临时卡及正式门禁卡申请/发放/归还/存档,提供必要的统计数据给制卡办公室
85Collect order & place orders with vendors ? 收集订单和处理订货等事宜
85Monthly bills checking & preparation for payment月结帐单的核对和送交财务等事宜
85Assistance in booking of meeting rooms 会议室的预定
85Parking card management if applicable 停车卡的管理
85Collect & dispatch Mails 收发快递 ? Stock keeping & checking of stationeries 办公文具的订货\盘库\分发
85Pantry supply/stationery ordering 茶水间用品/文具订货
85Update of Associate contact list 更新员工通讯录
85Collect and record all the travel claims and payment vouchers and mail to Beijing 所有报销和付款文件的整理,登记和邮寄
85Help team members on hotel booking 帮部分办公室员工预定酒店
85Help FM vendor to monitor cleaning ladies and cleaning materials check 协助FM 供应商监管阿姨和物料盘点
85Close connect to vendors (stationery, delivery, green plant, office maintenance, building property management. etc.) to monitor their performance 跟供应商保持密切联系,供应商日常管理
85Ad-hoc duties assigned by supervisor 其他主管安排的工作