To establish and improve procurement operation management strategy and process based on company procurement policy and procurement function strategy. Be responsible for E2E procurement operation management from order fulfillment to payment. To ensure sustained material supply with high quality for un-interrupted commercial/clinical manufacturing by close collaborating with category management, P2P, D2S planning and others. Driving for material supply resilience, procurement cost optimization and continuous improvement.
具体职责/Detailed Responsibilities
85 根据用户需求和采购需求下达系统采购订单,全程追踪订单完成情况,确保物料按计划准时准量到达。
85 与相关职能团队(如生产,质量,MSAT等)协同合作,不断优化采购运营管理策略和流程,支持公司业务运作,确保物料供应的稳定性和及时性。
85 与采购品类管理、P2P、商业计划团队保持密切沟通和协作,及时反映订单到货状态,必要时制定/采取到货调整措施。
85 负责采购部门关键文件的管理(如合同,特殊呈批文件,询比价文件,招标文件等),包括归档,效期管理,过期文件管理等。
85 负责管理合同关键条款的执行(如返利)。
85 负责采购运营管理的绩效目标的执行和达成,如采购运营流程优化,物料准时准量到货率等,制作及提供相关数据分析及报表。
85 负责采购部门整体工作数据汇总及报告(如团队绩效,年度采购金额分析,采购项目汇总分析等)
85 执行流程优化和持续改进,挑战现状,减少/消除浪费,提高效率,追求卓越。
Bachelor and above. Major in biology engineering, pharma engineering, supply chain management, logistics management is preferred;
专业技能/Technical Skill:
85 CPPM, CPM, CPSM, Lean & six sigma;
85 计算机应用:熟练使用Office办公软件(Word/Excel/PPT),具备数据分析能力;
Computer operation: familiar with office software (Word/Excel/PPT). Capable for data analysis.
85 英语:熟练的听,读,写能力,具备一定的口语交流能力;
English: Frequent listening, reading and writing skill. Capable for oral communication.
岗位胜任能力/Position Core Competency:
85 开拓性思维和挑战现状/Open minded and challenge status quo
85 较强的沟通能力和团队协作能力/Strong communication and team collaboration capability
85 结果为导向的执行力/Result driven execution capability