In order to promote distinctive education and help more children get access to superior education resources, Mr. Cao Lunhua set up Lunhua Education in August 2015, putting educational ideas into practice so as to build a world class cultural field and help students develop their intercultural emotional intelligence, social responsibility and global competency. Under the concept of "Broad knowledge for global citizens and enlightened wisdom for fulfilled lives", Lunhua Education has established in 4 cities within 3 different provinces 6 schools, several kindergartens and early learning centers and education-related corporations in the last four years. All these new education institutions will be provided with its broad-based education curriculum with unique intercultural approach in terms of pedagogy, leading Lunhua Education to become a major quality education services provider in China, ranging from pre-school education, foundation education, high-level training programs, foreign teachers' recruitment and training to admission guidance and international education cooperation. In June 2018, Lunhua Education signed a cooperative agreement with British Reading School and enjoys its exclusive naming right in China.