Everyone sees opportunity differently. Knauf sees opportunity in everyone.
A career at Knauf means uncovering the power of opportunity. We have big growth plans and an ambitious vision of how to evolve the manufacturing and construction industries into sustainable forces for good, as we strive to create a more balanced world.
We believe in empowering everyone, from every walk of life and with every skill set, to explore what opportunity means to them. In this way, we support the positive changes that ultimately result in products and ways of thinking that can make a difference.
Founded in 1932, we are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of construction materials for interior design, building insulation, and design ceilings, producing state-of-the-art drywall systems, plasters, and insulating materials as well as external thermal insulation composite systems.
可耐福集团成立于 1932 年,是世界领先的室内设计、建筑保温和设计吊顶建筑材料制造商之一,在全球90个国家和地区拥有300个以上的生产基地,员工数逾41,500人。可耐福集团于2021年初在亚太地区全资收购了优时吉博罗集团,进一步扩大了业务版图,优时吉博罗集团成为可耐福家族中的一员。
在中国,合并后的公司将传承两家公司二十余年的品牌积淀,知识和经验,打造强大的“可耐福”公司主品牌;同时,“顶诺”品牌继承优时吉博罗在中国的品牌资产。 “可耐福”和“顶诺”保持并发扬了两个产品系列的独特优势, 满足不同客户群体的差异化需求。
两家公司在中国的联合发挥强大的协同效应:位于不同省市的七个生产基地(上海,芜湖,太仓,重庆,东莞,天津,山东)将提供更大的产能和更优的配送服务; 更全面的产品线和系统解决方案;遍布中国大陆及中国港台地区的专业销售团队和广泛销售网络。同时, 源于德国和美国的研发双引擎将带来全球行业前沿技术,为持续创新提供保障。