职位名称:AP Accountant 应付会计
职位描述:Qualification:1.Bachelor’s Degree or above, major in Finance, Accounting and other related本科及以上学历,金融、会计等相关专业2.Fresh graduate is welcome. 1-2 years above working experiences in accounting field, international company is preferred欢迎应届毕业生。1-2年以上会计工作经验,国际公司优先3.Good command of English, computer and communication skills良好的英语、计算机和沟通能力4.Teamwork spirit as well as patience and carefully working attitude团队合作精神以及耐心和认真的工作态度
1.Check domestic and?overseas payment requests documents based on group and?company policy; Collect Declaration form for?foreign currency payment and?register on website of SAFE. Advanced payment posting and?clearing; 根据集团和公司政策检查国内外付款申请文件;领取外币支付申报单,并在国家外汇管理局网站上登记。预付款过账和清算;
2.In charge of suppliers’ credit controlling, work together with purchasing team and?arrange seasonable payment; 负责供应商的信用控制,与采购团队合作,安排及时付款;
3.Check all invoices matching with the Oracle EBS, and?cooperate with staffs of purchasing department to analyze reasons of invoice price difference; 检查所有与Oracle EBS匹配的发票,并与采购部门的工作人员合作分析发票价格差异的原因;
4.Supervisory control suppliers’ master files database in Oracle EBS monthly, make sure all the data are under controlled and?any changes are authorized based on approval; 每月监控Oracle EBS中的供应商主文件数据库,确保所有数据都处于受控状态,任何更改都经过批准授权;
5.Manual journal entry for?the reimbursement of Concur in Oracle. 在Oracle中Concur报销的手动日记账分录。
6.Make proper accrual during the period end to make sure all cost/expenses are captured in the correct period. 在期末进行适当的计提,以确保所有成本/费用都在正确的期间内入账。
7.Ensure all input VAT invoice is validated and?reconcile input VAT. 确保所有进项增值税发票都经过验证,并对进项增值税额进行对账。
8.Do the bank reconciliation and?cash pool reclass every month. 每月进行银行对账和现金池回收。
9.Prepare the documents for?monthly/quarterly P&L, BS review and?complete report in Blackline/ SOX. 准备月度/季度损益表、BS审查文件,并在Blackline/SOX中完成报告。
10.In charge of all the changes register of the bank. 负责银行的所有变更登记。
11.Check and?document the original documents and?match with the voucher every month after the monthly closing within 10 working days. 每月结账后,在10个工作日内检查并记录原始文件,并与凭证匹配。
12.Other jobs assigned by the Finance Manager. 财务经理安排的其他工作。
","shortContent":"1.Check domestic and?overseas payment requests documents based on group and?company policy; Collect Declaration form for?foreign currency payment and?register on website of SAFE. A