In short
We are excited to offer the position of Store Advisor to an entrepreneurial member of our growing APAC team. On is the fasted running brand globally. Our success is based on the exclusive collaboration with the best sports stores and a premium service concept. On wants to inspire runners all over APAC. As a Swiss company On acts faster, is more customized, and more creative than conventional brands.
Your mission
- 熟悉品牌理念及品牌精神,能够传递品牌故事,总是积极主动与顾客互动,打造热情,多元的品牌体验;
- 熟悉产品知识和应用场景,主动探索倾听顾客运动需求,能够针对不同的运动需求提供专业的解决方案;
- 按照陈列标准进行产品的陈列调整,包含日常补货和季节性调整;
- 按照运营标准操作货品管理(来货/退货/盘点/防损),收银台管理(结账/账目核对/退换收银系统操作),开关门,日常复盘等基础工作;
- 能主动且高质量的配合店长或者代班完成日常工作计划,做好工作的交接;
- 通过主动分享品牌社群活动,售后服务政策等方式与顾客建立长期链接。
- 支持On社群活动的准备和接待工作,协助活动的顺利开展和提升到店体验。
- 能够主动对工作提出想法和优化的建议,积极参加店铺会议分享反馈和店长及团队共同达成店铺行动计划目标;
- 基于店铺项目制,主导产品培训/社群/陈列/线上内容的相关部分。
- 对自我成长和发展负责,能够主动思考和店长一起制定自己的发展行动计划。
Your story
- 你是运动爱好者,有一定的运动基础,有乐于探索运动的热情。
- 你积极乐观,充满活力,乐于探索未知主动学习。
- 你有良好的语言表达能力和积极主动的沟通能力,乐于倾听,并主动为他人提供帮助和建议,致力于为顾客提供WOW的购物体验。
- 你乐于接受和给予反馈,因为你认可这是自我成长的基石和动力。
- 对消费者和零售行业充满有好奇心,愿意探索。
- 可接受零售的灵活工作时间并配合周末或节假日加班,综合工时制,做五休二。能适应快节奏的工作环境,抗压能力强。
- 积极进取,具有团队合作精神,有相关零售工作经验尤佳。
- 有带跑经验、跑团经验、陈列知识和培训技巧的候选人优先考虑。
- 具备基本英文接待顾客的沟通能力优先考虑。
Meet the team
As you might expect from a sports brand with running at its core, the China Retail team at On is a fast-paced place to be. You’ll be part of the China Retail team and co-working with a group of highly motivated individuals. The shared goal? Efficient growth at high speed- what else?
What we offer
On is a place that is centered around growth and progress. We offer an environment designed to give people the tools to develop holistically – to stay active, to learn, explore and innovate. Our distinctive approach combines a supportive, team-oriented atmosphere, with access to personal self-care for both physical and mental well-being, so each person is led by purpose.
On is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to creating a work environment that is fair and inclusive, where all decisions related to recruitment, advancement, and retention are free of discrimination.
Primary location of the role (City, in English)