1 登记客户分发的销售订单,并回复订单交期;
Archive the Sales order from customer and reply to the order due date.
2 在系统中做订单的上传;
Import the SO in ERP system.
3 根据出货计划制作所有产品的序列号,并打印给生产部门;
Create the SN based on the production plan, print out the SN for manufacturing department.
4 跟踪备件订单的制作情况,并完成备件订单所需的所有资料准备;
Monitor the spare order situation, prepare all data for the spare order delivery.
5 准备成品订单出货所需的物流信息资料,安排订单出货;
Prepare all data for lifts to be shipped out, prepare to book the container.
5.1 根据生产计划通过货代对集装箱的订舱
5.1 Working with the agent to book containers according to the production plan
5.2 出货前制作报关单,并提供给对应的货代
5.2 Prepare customs declaration form before shipment, and provide it to the corresponding forwarder
5.3 制作产品出货的包装清单/发票箱单,确保包装清单中的金额,数量与ERP 中发货数据一致
5.3 Generate the PL/CI, make sure the data in the document is same as the data in ERP
5.4 集装箱提货完成后将包装清单,发票箱单转发给对应的客户
5.4 After the goods are collected, send the PL/ CI to the corresponding customer
5.5 配合货代对部分客户的出货制作产地证,确保产地证上的数据正确
5.5 Create the CO working with the agent and make sure the data is correct
5.6 将最终的提单发给对应的客户
5.6 Send the formal B/L to the corresponding customer
6 与客户沟通订单的相关事项;
Communicate with customers about the sales order information.
7 其他直接领导交办的工作; Other ad hoc assignment required by the