Routine Job Responsibility:
1. 负责焊条库的日常管理,材料摆放、整理、卫生等,并且按焊材存放要求记录温度湿度等数据。
Responsible for the daily management of the welding rod warehouse, material placement, organization, sanitation, etc., and record the temperature and humidity data according to the requirements of welding material storage.
2. 负责材料的请购,包括承包商、本工所需的材料。
Responsible for the requisition of materials, including contractors, the materials required by the work.
3. 负责材料的领用与发放,并且负责做好焊材烘焙、领用、回收等各项记录。
Be responsible for the material requisition and issuance, and be responsible for baking, requisitioning, and recycling records of welding consumables.
4. 负责统计本工、承包商各个项目所用焊材的统计。
Responsible for the statistics of welding consumables used in each project by the workers and contractors.
5. 熟悉各项目WPS情况,需要针对不同焊缝区分发放不同焊材。
Familiarize with the WPS situation of each project, need to differentiate the issuance of different welding consumables for different welding seams.
6. 清点生产现场的焊机数目。
Count the number of welding machines in the production site.
7. 负责每月派工单的录入。
Responsible for monthly work order entry.
8. 负责跟踪现场焊机、焊条筒、电焊线的点检情况并做好记录。
Follow up the spot check of welding machine, electrode cylinder and welding wire on site and keep records.
9. 检查现场焊材使用情况,针对浪费焊材现象进行管理以及记录。
Check the use of welding consumables on site and manage and record the waste of welding consumables.
10. 完成上级安排的其他工作。
Completing other work arranged by supervisor.
HSE Management Responsibility:
1. 焊条仓库的防火防盗工作;
Fire and burglary prevention in the welding rod warehouse;
2. 遵守公司的安全管理规范。
Comply with the company's safety management norms.
3. 严格执行公司的环境管理条例。
Strictly implement the company's environmental management regulations.
4. 节约能源,提倡绿色环境保护意识。
Conserve energy and promote green environmental protection awareness.
5. 遵守当地政府的环境管理条例。
Comply with the local government's environmental management regulations.