Tesla is expanding the Infotainment Applications software team! We’re responsible for building in-car user interfaces, productivity applications (phone, calendar, browser), entertainment (media streaming and video games), autopilot visualization, and our mobile application. This team's work is front and center of Tesla’s vehicle fleet, with millions of customers around the world experiencing and interacting with their software as the primary interface to the vehicle. We are looking for highly motivated frontend software students to help create, develop, and evolve Tesla’s in-vehicle customer experiences. Come join us and take our products to the next level!
61 Maps & Navigation: Ever wish you could type in an address and have your car drive you there? The Maps and Navigation team works to make this dream a reality! Tesla vehicles can not only navigate on Autopilot, but will one day reach full autonomy. Join a team of engineers responsible for mapping the world around us and bringing the car to life.
61 Media: The Media team is responsible for bringing unique in-car experiences such as Netflix, Youtube and Spotify to our fleet. We design and build scalable, high-availability systems and APIs for Tesla vehicles. Interns on this team will help ensure that Tesla vehicles are one of the most fun and engaging products to use in the world!
61 Vehicle UI: As a Software Engineer Intern working on Vehicle-UI Development and Integration, you will be responsible for building in-car user interfaces to operate the vehicle's cutting-edge systems. You will work on a cross-functional team to implement and deliver user interfaces focused on the car's physical subsystems including HVAC, body controls, drive systems, charging, and more. You will utilize fundamental knowledge of mechanical and electrical systems and work with designers to create elegant and intuitive vehicle controls.
61 Video Games: Tesla strives to make its cars the most fun possible and what better way than by incorporating video games to the in-car experiences! Interns on this team will have an incredibly rare opportunity to help build a gaming platform that would rival that of any console. Much of this is uncharted territory, having never been seen or done before. We want to work with people who are excited by this goal and have the talent to deliver on it.
Must Qualifications
61 Currently working towards a BS, MS, or advanced degree in a relevant engineering program such as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering.
61 Proficiency in C/C++.
61 Excellent grasp of fundamental computer science concepts and ability to write well-organized code.
Preferred Qualifications
61 Experience with following is a plus: Rendering, multithreading, GUI, Server, Quicktime, Unreal.
61 Eagerness to collaborate cross-functionally with other engineering teams while able to work independently; detail-oriented and execution focused.
Genuine curiosity and willingness to understand how our products are designed, built and how they operate.
This job application may involve an interview with an interviewer outside of Tesla China. If you complete your application, you agree Tesla provides your application information to overseas interviewers in Tesla, Inc. for recruitment purposes. More details and contact information please see <Tesla Talent Personal Data International Transfer Statement> here.