关于 TASAKI 国际珠宝品牌 TASAKI 创立于1954年,珍珠和钻石,是TASAKI引以为傲的两大核心元素。60多年来,TASAKI一直以对于品质的严格把控、对于工艺技巧的不懈追求、以及对于美的独特领悟,来实现充满创造力的设计。 TASAKI拥有优异的钻石原石评鉴能力与切割工艺,是在全世界屈指可数的拥有可直接进行钻石原石贸易权的日本珠宝商,这也是TASAKI 经营高品质钻石的佐证。
About TASAKI The international jewelry brand TASAKI was founded in 1954 with pearls and diamonds as the two core elements that TASAKI is proud of, and for more than 60 years, TASAKI has been creating creative designs with strict control of quality, relentless pursuit of craftsmanship, and a unique appreciation of beauty. TASAKI is one of the few Japanese jewelers in the world to have the right to trade directly in rough diamonds, which is a testament to the high quality of TASAKI's business.